Friday, January 30, 2009

It's cold outside!

Ella's a big fan of's not.

It was like 15 degrees this day. Yuck!

All bundled up

Typical Ella pose.

Ella's 1st ponytail...well, sort of

Look at the snow!

Well, it has been awhile since I updated my blog because my computer died...Jason revived it, but not before having to back everything up and wipe the computer clean. What a nightmare!?!?! Anyway, just wanted to share a few pics of the snow and FREEZING cold winter we've had. The kids surprisingly enjoyed putting on hats and mittens and bundling up. Ella's hair is getting so long. I tried to put it in a ponytail and it worked for a little while, but not for long. We'll get there! I had to throw in the pic of her with the spaghetti everywhere. She LOVES it, but mommy doesn't like cleaning up that mess very often. She's still cute, even with spaghetti in her hair!

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