Thursday, October 23, 2008

New pics of the kids!

I just wanted to share a few pictures I've taken of the kids lately. I love the one of Ella in her house. She looks like a little old lady that is saying, "Stay off my porch!!!" She is getting quite the personality. I think she is going to be able to take Cole on before long. :-) Cole is such a joy to be around. He can drive me crazy, but I truly love his energy...and wish I had some of it! He is really learning to like soccer and is ready to play teeball in the spring. Mommy is just as ready as he is! I love just watching them play and it makes me sad to see how fast they are growing up. It seems like just yesterday that I was about to give birth to Ella in the car! Now, she is almost 16 months old. I've had to teach myself to enjoy every minute with them and NEVER take them for granted.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pump It Up

Well, we got to go to Pump It Up today. Cole loves that place and we never get to go because I teach on Tuesday mornings now. I was on fall break today so we made sure we went! Ella was big enough to play this time. Mommy took her on the big slide and to jump in the moon bounce. She loved running around and trying to be bigger than she is! As her MDO teacher says, she is fearless! She also had a good time having some little boys push her around in the little red car. It was too cute! I wanted to share a few of our pics from today. Allison, Jennie & I took pictures of all the kids took a few times to get them all looking at the camera, but the last one was a success!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cole turns 4!

I can't believe it but my little boy turned 4 on September 1st. He's growing up so fast. His teachers say he is just brilliant. I'm afraid he is going to be smarter than me before long! He amazes me everyday with how much he understands and connects. You can't really "fool" him anymore. He is very independent and opinionated (he must get that from Jason- HA!). Anyway, I just wanted to put a few pictures from his many birthday celebrations he had!

Ella goes to "school"

Ella started Mother's Day Out once a week about a month ago. She looked so cute before we left with her little pigtails and outfit. However, check out the pic of her when I picked her up! I almost lost my breath when I saw her! She had one pigtail in and the other side pulled back with a clip. She also had on her "extra" outfit which I had never planned on leaving that bag! Needless so say, we ran to the car. Her expression in the pic cracks me up. It's like she is saying...MY MOM WOULDN'T MAKE ME LOOK LIKE THIS! She is having a fantastic time at "school" and doesn't cry at all when I leave her. Her teachers are so sweet. They tell me she is a joy to have!