Well, Cole is finally starting to get used to, and actually liking, Ella being around...it has only taken 16 months! He wants her to play with him on his terms. She doesn't always like his terms though. The biggest problem seems to be with building towers with the blocks. He builds them, she destroys them. He doesn't really care for that too much. He has started holding her hand to get her to go where he wants her to go. It's really cute. I think she likes the attention from him. She really loves her big brother! She is on the brink of the terrible twos. I have never heard such a high pitched scream when she doesn't get her way - she must get that from daddy. :-)
Well, today I got them both dressed in their Christmas clothes (yes, it's a little early for that) and we went to the mall to meet Miss Allison, Robert & Natalie to get our pics made with Santa. Cole was very clear that he wanted Wii games, a bowling ball and pins and an air hockey table. He even told Santa that Ella wanted a play kitchen and some baby dolls. As you can see from the pic, sweet Ella didn't care for Santa too much. She cried as soon as I put her in his lap. I don't just mean a little cry. She did the high pitched screaming wail. I like the picture though. I think I'll put this one out every year!
Um, I love that pic of them on Santa's lap. HILARIOUS!!!!
HAHAHA, that pic of Ella showing her pantyhose is HILARIOUS! That is so her!
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