Thursday, February 26, 2009

From Wii bowling to the real thing!

Acting silly
Lugging the ball to the ramp!
She's saying "CHEESE"!

Look at it go!
Bryce was excited too!
Ella was checking it all out.

Cole is totally obsessed with Wii bowling, so I decided to take him REAL bowling. He has been excited about it for a week. Everyday he has said, "We're going bowling on Thursday the 26th!!" It has been so cute. A friend from his preschool, Bryce, went with us and they had a good time. I wish I had a camera on Cole's face when he opened the door to the bowling alley. He started jumping up and down & screaming, "LOOK! LOOK! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! LOOK!" He ran around in circles. I swear I don't think that I've ever seen him so excited in his life. He would have stayed there all day. I was a little worried he would disappointed that he didn't bowl all strikes, but he was elated just getting to use a real bowling ball. He made 2 spares and ended up bowling a 95 (with the bumpers up). Mommy didn't do so hot...we won't put my score on here. :-) Ms. Konnie beat me! Cole said that we were going back tomorrow and he was going to bowl a strike this time. I think I may have created a monster with this! Do they have bowling leagues for kids?

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