Ella was checking it all out.
Cole is totally obsessed with Wii bowling, so I decided to take him REAL bowling. He has been excited about it for a week. Everyday he has said, "We're going bowling on Thursday the 26th!!" It has been so cute. A friend from his preschool, Bryce, went with us and they had a good time. I wish I had a camera on Cole's face when he opened the door to the bowling alley. He started jumping up and down & screaming, "LOOK! LOOK! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! LOOK!" He ran around in circles. I swear I don't think that I've ever seen him so excited in his life. He would have stayed there all day. I was a little worried he would disappointed that he didn't bowl all strikes, but he was elated just getting to use a real bowling ball. He made 2 spares and ended up bowling a 95 (with the bumpers up). Mommy didn't do so hot...we won't put my score on here. :-) Ms. Konnie beat me! Cole said that we were going back tomorrow and he was going to bowl a strike this time. I think I may have created a monster with this! Do they have bowling leagues for kids?